Readme File
The exciting-environments package is a toolbox for the simulation of physical differential equations wrapped into Gymnasium inspired environments using Jax. Due to the just-in-time compilation native to JAX, this type of implementation offers great advantages in terms of simulation speed.
Getting Started
A basic routine is as simple as:
import jax.numpy as jnp
import exciting_environments as excenvs
env = excenvs.make("Pendulum-v0", batch_size=5, action_constraints={"torque": 15}, tau=2e-2)
obs, state = env.reset()
actions = jnp.linspace(start=-1, stop=1, num=1000)[None, :, None]
actions = actions.repeat(env.batch_size, axis=0)
observations = []
for idx in range(actions.shape[1]):
obs, reward, terminated, truncated, state = env.vmap_step(
state, actions[:, idx, :]
observations = jnp.stack(observations, axis=1)
print("actions shape:", actions.shape)
print("observations shape:", observations.shape)
which produces $5$ identical trajectories in parallel:

alternatively, simulate full trajectories:
import jax.numpy as jnp
import exciting_environments as excenvs
import diffrax
env = excenvs.make(
"Pendulum-v0", solver=diffrax.Tsit5(), batch_size=5, action_constraints={"torque": 15}, tau=2e-2
obs, state = env.reset()
actions = jnp.linspace(start=-1, stop=1, num=2000)[None, :, None]
actions = actions.repeat(env.batch_size, axis=0)
observations, rewards, terminations, truncations, last_state = env.vmap_sim_ahead(
print("actions shape:", actions.shape)
print("observations shape:", observations.shape)
which produces $5$ identical trajectories in parallel as well:

Note that in this case the Tsit5 ODE solver instead of the default explicit Euler is used. All solvers used here are from the diffrax library (