Source code for exciting_environments.mass_spring_damper.mass_spring_damper_env

import numpy as np
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from gymnasium import vector
from exciting_environments import spaces
from functools import partial
import chex

[docs]class MassSpringDamper: """ State Variables: ``['deflection' , 'velocity']`` Action Variable: ``['force']''`` Observation Space (State Space): Box(low=[-1, -1], high=[1, 1]) Action Space: Box(low=-1, high=1) Initial State: Unless chosen otherwise, deflection and velocity is set to zero. Example: >>> import jax >>> import exciting_environments as excenvs >>> >>> # Create the environment >>> env= excenvs.make('MassSpringDamper-v0',batch_size=2,d=2,k=0.5,max_force=10) >>> >>> # Reset the environment with default initial values >>> env.reset() >>> >>> # Sample a random action >>> action = env.action_space.sample(jax.random.PRNGKey(6)) >>> >>> # Perform step >>> obs,reward,terminated,truncated,info= env.step(action) >>> """ def __init__(self, batch_size=8, d=1 , k=100, m=1, max_force=20, reward_func=None, tau = 1e-4 , constraints= [10,10]): """ Args: batch_size(int): Number of training examples utilized in one iteration. Default: 8 d(float): Damping constant. Default: 1 k(float): Spring constant. Default: 100 m(float): Mass of the oscillating object. Default: 1 max_force(float): Maximum force that can be applied to the system as action. Default: 20 reward_func(function): Reward function for training. Needs Observation-Matrix and Action as Parameters. Default: None (default_reward_func from class) tau(float): Duration of one control step in seconds. Default: 1e-4. constraints(array): Constraints for states ['deflection','velocity'] (array with length 2). Default: [1000,10] Note: d,k,m and max_force can also be passed as lists with the length of the batch_size to set different parameters per batch. In addition to that constraints can also be passed as a list of lists with length 2 to set different constraints per batch. """ self.tau = tau self.k_values = k self.d_values = d self.m_values = m self.max_force_values= max_force self.constraints= constraints self.batch_size = batch_size self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=-1.0, high=1.0, shape=(self.batch_size,1), dtype=jnp.float32) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=-1.0, high=1.0, shape=(self.batch_size,2), dtype=jnp.float32) if reward_func: if self.test_rew_func(reward_func): self.reward_func=reward_func else: self.reward_func=self.default_reward_func def update_batch_dim(self): if isinstance(self.constraints, list) and not isinstance(self.constraints[0], list): assert len(self.constraints)==2, f"constraints is expected to be a list with len(list)=2 or a list of lists with overall dimension (batch_size,2)" self.state_normalizer = jnp.array(self.constraints) else: assert jnp.array(self.constraints).shape[0]==self.batch_size, f"constraints is expected to be a list with len(list)=1 or a list of lists with overall dimension (batch_size,1)" self.state_normalizer = jnp.array(self.constraints) if jnp.isscalar(self.d_values): self.d = jnp.full((self.batch_size,1), self.d_values) else: assert len(self.d_values)==self.batch_size, f"d is expected to be a scalar or a list with len(list)=batch_size" self.d= jnp.array(self.d_values).reshape(-1,1) if jnp.isscalar(self.k_values): self.k = jnp.full((self.batch_size,1), self.k_values) else: assert len(self.k_values)==self.batch_size, f"k is expected to be a scalar or a list with len(list)=batch_size" self.k= jnp.array(self.k_values).reshape(-1,1) if jnp.isscalar(self.m_values): self.m = jnp.full((self.batch_size,1), self.m_values) else: assert len(self.m_values)==self.batch_size, f"m is expected to be a scalar or a list with len(list)=batch_size" self.m= jnp.array(self.m_values).reshape(-1,1) if jnp.isscalar(self.max_force_values): self.max_force = jnp.full((self.batch_size,1), self.max_force_values) else: assert len(self.max_force_values)==self.batch_size, f"max_force is expected to be a scalar or a list with len(list)=batch_size" self.max_force = jnp.array(self.max_force_values).reshape(-1,1) deflection = jnp.full((self.batch_size),1).reshape(-1,1) velocity = jnp.zeros(self.batch_size).reshape(-1,1) self.states = jnp.hstack(( deflection, velocity, )) def test_rew_func(self,func): try: out=func(jnp.zeros([self.batch_size,int(len(self.get_obs_description()))])) except: raise Exception("Reward function should be using obs matrix as only parameter") try: if out.shape != (self.batch_size,1): raise Exception("Reward function should be returning vector in shape (batch_size,1)") except: raise Exception("Reward function should be returning vector in shape (batch_size,1)") return True @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=0) def ode_exp_euler_step(self,states_norm,force_norm): force = force_norm*self.max_force states = self.state_normalizer * states_norm deflection = states[:,0].reshape(-1,1) velocity = states[:,1].reshape(-1,1) ddeflection = velocity dvelocity = (force - self.d* velocity- self.k*deflection)/self.m deflection_k1 = deflection + self.tau *ddeflection # explicit Euler velocity_k1= velocity + self.tau *dvelocity # explicit Euler states_k1 = jnp.hstack(( deflection_k1, velocity_k1, )) states_k1_norm = states_k1/self.state_normalizer return states_k1_norm @property def batch_size(self): return self._batch_size @batch_size.setter def batch_size(self, batch_size): # If batchsize change, update the corresponding dimension self._batch_size = batch_size self.update_batch_dim() def generate_observation(self): return self.states @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=0) def static_generate_observation(self,states): return states def get_def_reward_func(self): return self.default_reward_func @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=0) def default_reward_func(self,obs,action): return ((obs[:,0])**2 + 0.1*(obs[:,1])**2 + 0.1*(action[:,0])**2).reshape(-1,1) def get_obs_description(self): return self.get_states_description() def get_states_description(self): return np.array(["deflection","velocity"]) def get_action_description(self): return np.array(["force"]) def step(self, force_norm): #TODO Totzeit hinzufügen obs,reward,terminated,truncated,self.states= self.step_static(self.states,force_norm) return obs, reward, terminated, truncated, {} @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=0) def step_static(self,states,force_norm): # ode step states = self.ode_exp_euler_step(states,force_norm) # observation obs = self.static_generate_observation(states) # reward reward = self.reward_func(obs,force_norm) #bound check truncated = (jnp.abs(states)> 1) terminated = reward == 0 return obs, reward, terminated, truncated ,states def render(self): raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented!") def close(self): raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented!") def reset(self,random_key:chex.PRNGKey=False,initial_values:jnp.ndarray=None): if random_key: self.states=self.observation_space.sample(random_key) elif initial_values!=None: assert initial_values.shape[0] == self.batch_size, f"number of rows is expected to be batch_size, got: {initial_values.shape[0]}" assert initial_values.shape[1] == len(self.get_obs_description()), f"number of columns is expected to be amount of obs_entries: {len(self.get_obs_description())}, got: {initial_values.shape[0]}" assert self.observation_space.contains(initial_values), f"values of initial states are out of bounds" self.states=initial_values else:[:,0:1].set(jnp.zeros(self.batch_size).reshape(-1,1))[:,1:2].set(jnp.zeros(self.batch_size).reshape(-1,1)) obs = self.generate_observation() return obs,{}